Order Cleanmail Phishing Test E-Mail-Probleme mit Home-Office? Wir helfen Ihnen! Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.This form is intended to support the order process for the Cleanmail Phishing Test. Please contact us at sales@cleanmail.ch before sending us the order so that we can provide you with the necessary information. Your Company *Contact Person Name *Contact Person PhoneContact Person E-Mail *Approval to conduct the testPlease provide the name(s) and role(s) of the person(s) who approved to conduct this test, and the date of the approval. The approvers must be aware of the risks and limitations of such a test. In particular, the approver(s) are responsible to be in the possession of the authorization to conduct such a test from a privacy law and regulation point of view.Type of Phishing Test *"Access your e-mail account""Download an important file"Customer specificPlease select a type. You can use the notes field at the end for special instructions. Target Action *OWA Login Page Look-a-like (for e-mail account tests)Download page (for download-type tests)Custom actionPlease select the action users should (not) perform. For "custom", please provide instructions in the notes field at the end. We may contact you to specify in more detail.When should the test be started? DatumZeitPlease leave empty if it should be started as soon as possibleHow many business days should the test run?It should usually run for at least two business days, but not for too long as rumours may spread.List of target addressesPlease attach a text or spreadsheet file. If the domain in question is handled by the Cleanmail Domain Gateway, it is possible to extract that data from log files.Pricing for the Cleanmail Phishing Test is communicated and agreed before providing this order form to Cleanmail.Checkboxen *By sending this order form, I confirm that I accept responsibility for correctness of the above informationCaptcha * = Privacy Note The data provided by the customer in this order form are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Cleanamil AG, and the associated privacy policy, both of which can be accessed on the Cleanmail website at https://support.cleanmail.ch/. WebsiteSenden